“If You’re Outraged by Politics, Maybe You’re Paying Too Much Attention”

If You’re Outraged…

Have you seen those bumper stickers, “If you’re outraged, you’re not paying attention”? Typically they’re on a Prius or a Subaru alongside some “Bernie” or “I’m with Her”, Hillary Clinton stickers.

What they really mean is, everyone who doesn’t think like they do should be outraged. It’s typical lefty Democrat arrogance and intolerance.

If you're outraged by politics, you're paying too much attention, conservative bumper sticker

There’s also the white background version shown below available here.

Bumper sticker, "If maybe you're outraged, you're paying too much attention"

The Reality of the Left Versus the Right

There’s more to life than politics. Democrats and liberals are pessimistic and helpless, but Republicans and the right are optimistic and in control.

We Republicans don’t need to to be “outraged” by politics. We take charge of ourselves, and if others choose a different path, we’re tolerant and open-minded about their decision. There’s no need for “outrage”.

Check out the white on red background for sale online here.

More Conservative Bumper Stickers

See all our conservative bumper stickers for sale in our Zazzle store.