“Liberals Are Outspoken: You Need Volume When You Lack Substance” Bumper Sticker

Conservatives and Republicans rarely march in the streets shouting and protesting. We tend to make our arguments in writing using reason instead of emotional displays and outbursts.

Liberals have to wave their arms and make a scene any chance they get because their policies aren’t getting any love from voters at the ballot box.

That’s why we created this bumper sticker for #conservatives and #Republicans that notes that “Of course Liberals Are Outspoken! You need volume when you lack substance”

Use this pro-conservative, anti-Democrat bumper sticker to show you prefer reason to emotion!

Buy this conservative bumper sticker online here, “Of course Liberals Are Outspoken! You need volume when you lack substance”

Liberals Are Outspoken bumper sticker

Click the image to buy online or view this bumper sticker and more at https://www.zazzle.com/z/1anet?rf=238308358566352289