Will Democrats Try to Ban Single-Family Homes? Yes, They Already Are.

There is a federal zoning plan from the Obama administration that Cory Booker has updated and made worse and Biden is embracing it. It would good if suburban voters new about the social engineering the federal government has in mind for their locally-governed (for now) single-family neighborhoods.

“Biden has embraced Cory Booker’s strategy for ending single-family zoning in the suburbs and creating what you might call “little downtowns” in the suburbs. Combine the Obama-Biden administration’s radical AFFH regulation with Booker’s new strategy, and I don’t see how the suburbs can retain their ability to govern themselves. It will mean the end of local control, the end of a style of living that many people prefer to the city, and therefore the end of meaningful choice in how Americans can live. Shouldn’t voters know that this is what’s at stake in the election?”
