“Silence Conservatives, Liberal Ideas Can’t Stand Scrutiny”

Why is that Twitter feels the need to “shadow ban” conservative users and that only conservatives voices on the YouTube and Facebook tend to get censored?

One reason is that liberals are easily offended by any idea they don’t agree with. After all, they’re convinced of their own moral superiority so of course they’re offended.

Silence Conservatives, Liberal Ideas Can't Stand Scrutiny Bumper Sticker

But the other main reason is that liberals ideas are terrible and really few people want to put them into practice.

Of course, if the left would let their ideas be debated they could improve their policy and the arguments for them, but it’s kind of a downward spiral for them because they shut out competing ideas and then their ideas and arguments stay weak.

But that’s their problem, there’s no way Americans are going to put up with the Fascist Left stifling free speech because their policies can’t keep up.